Founder and Director of Lime Hollow Forest Preschool in NY. Maryfaith believes with all her heart in defending children’s space for joyful learning and growing, and in the power of nature-based education.
In 2014, she piloted the program, and two years later helped lead the program through the state licensing process to become the first fully outdoor, licensed preschool program in NYS. She grew the program from a one half-day/week, to a five day, full time, outdoor alternative to indoor schooling, which currently serves 34 children ages 3-5
In 2018 she led a group of parents from Lime Hollow Forest Preschool to design a Reggio Emilia Approach nature immersion program, the Forest Learning Collective, where she is the Pedagogista. This program operates three days/week and serves 24 children ages 6-15 as homeschool support. Along the way, she earned a Masters of Education in Foundations of Education with a Nature-Based Early Childhood Concentration from Antioch University, New England.